A night-blooming cereus blossom. ©2018 by Chris Kridler
Check out the latest video below.
To see further (past) attempts at capturing these blooms, you can check out my YouTube channel.
A night-blooming cereus blossom. ©2018 by Chris Kridler
Check out the latest video below.
To see further (past) attempts at capturing these blooms, you can check out my YouTube channel.
Off and on for a few years, I’ve been trying to perfect a time-lapse of a night-blooming cereus flowering, but it’s a challenge, because each bloom flowers for only one night. Each time I’ve used a different camera and different lighting. I’ve blown out the image with too much light, so this year I used a smaller light. But I had to use a wide-angle waterproof camera because it was raining in our part of central Florida, so sacrifices were made in terms of quality and zoom. You can see the flowers buffeted by the wind as a shower whisks through.
Still, it’s always fascinating to see these beautiful flowers unfold for their one-night-a-year show. Click the gear symbol in the lower left after you hit play and choose 720HD for best quality.